Okay. I'm ready to talk about it. And then I'll be done.
I wasn't surprised. I was expecting this result. I'm not scared either, I have hope.
But I still don't like it.
1st a side note, which I guess is more of a top note, politics is a big part of my life. It always has been.
Someday I want to be the campaign manager for my best friend, Becky, when she runs for president. When she wins then I'll be the evil BFF advisor & slip a recording of my voice under her pillow at night, repeating over & over what she should do & say as the 1st female Pres. of the USA. Mind control. I'm not above it. I digress.
I say this because sometimes I will talk politics. I think about it. It concerns me. It's in my head. Since this blog is about what's in my head, I think it's appropriate. But laughter is another big part of my life. I like jokes. I love humor. I adore laughing. Religion, family & Oreo's are also a big part of my life.
My point is, I'm not going to ignore a subject because it may offend someone. If it's important (or trivial) enough to me then it may end up on my blog. And that's okay. But also know that I don't do it to offend. I'm not a mean person. Can't we all have different opinions & still be friends?
But I would like to let you know a little more about me. Who I am. Politically.
I'm not sure what political party I belong to anymore. It's not just because of 1 single person. It takes way more than 1 person to mess up a country. Of course, I'm sure you've all guessed by now, I'm a registered Republican. But I don't know if I am one anymore, this transition has been happening over the last few years.
I'm definitely not a Democrat. (Like that wasn't obvious)
I don't know if I could be considered an Independent or even a Constitutionalist, or any of the other crazy 3rd parties. I'm definitely NOT a Green Party girl - I'll just tell you that right now.
I wish there was a Conservative party because that's what I am. I'm 1st a Conservative. Fiscally, socially, environmentally. Everthinglly. Straight across the board. Also, I make decisions with my head, but it doesn't mean I'm heartless. I think much if not most of the Republican party has left me on conservative issues.
It's also probably not hard to guess who I voted for. Did you read my
Scary Story last week? But, it doesn't mean I was excited about McCain either. I was very disappointed in who the Republicans picked as their candidate, I was no supporter. I did vote for him though, because I'm one of those who really believed he was the lesser of two evils. And this country isn't forward enough for a 3rd party crazy president. Give it time. McCain definitely was no fiscal conservative. I don't think he was a real Republican.
I did like "Crazy" Palin....... a lot. I was excited about her. She was the closest one to my conservative values.........
she got my vote.
My reaction
down below wasn't because the guy I voted for lost. It's because of where I believe we are headed in this country - and where we've been heading for the last 30 years. There is no question that we are going to "Change" as a nation. Starting with the constitution. But I don't believe it's for the better.
What I do believe is (& I say this so you know where I stand, not to try to change your mind because I know that won't happen. Just like mine won't be changed as these are my core beliefs.)
The "Liberal" party is well on it's way to communism. There are certain rights they don't want us to have, including life & speech.
Obama is a Socialist. Of course he's not going to come out & admit that & neither is anyone who wants him to win. But from everything he's said as to how he's going to 'change' the economy, those are socialist values.
The Federal government has gotten WAY TOO BIG. It's out of control & in our lives & pockets way too much. That's not the purpose of the gov. I don't think that helping the poor or giving to those in need should be federally mandated. I think we have a personal, moral responsibility to do it, but the government has no business telling us to.
I believe the Democrat party wants people to be dependent on them.
We are in BIG economic trouble. Dark days are ahead. We did not vote in the right person to take care of it. Granted, I don't think the other one was the right one to take care of this specific issue either. But this one does not have the experience or the beliefs (from what he's said) to do it "correctly". And by correctly I mean, without infringing on our constitutional rights.
I believe we all have the right to keep & bear arms.
I don't think this is the right time to back down on national defense. Are you kidding me?! We need it now more than ever......especially if the terrorists are supporting Obama - I'm just saying....
I believe we should drill for oil in our own country & take care of ourselves. Stop the restrictions. We have the resources. Use them! We will have more restrictions under the new administration. Do we really want to be dependent on foreign oil?
I believe the "bail out" is wrong. I think it will breed more bad economic behavior & decisions. Let businesses fail. Let people lose their homes if they can't afford them. I know, I'm the devil. I just believe in living with the consequences of the choices you make. After the market crashes people will have to figure out where they went wrong & work hard to fix it. Then we'll be a better, stronger country & people & industries will be more responsible. BTW, I'll be the 1st one to help any neighbor in need. Because it's the right thing to do, not because the government tells me to.
I do believe if Obama's daughter makes a "mistake" she should have to pay for it. Killing is wrong - whether born or unborn. Have the baby & then give it up for adoption. I know plenty of people who would be happy to take it.
I don't believe the government should be telling companies how much to pay their employees or make them provide health insurance.
I don't think the government should be socializing medicine. Do you want to die? JK....not really. But, seriously keep it all private. We will all do better that way.
I believe this country is moving away from the core values of our forefathers. I'm passionate about the revolution & the founding fathers & the constitution. I don't believe the New Guy is.
Last night's speech? I wasn't moved. He is a great speaker, no doubt about it. But did you listen to what he was saying? He's already backtracking from what he's "promised".
I think the President of the USA should be an honest, forthcoming, trustworthy individual.
I have more to say, but for your sake I won't.
I have soup to make for the PTA - it's parent/teacher conferences. I need all the emotional strength I have left for that.
I hope we can still be friends.
P.S. I welcome all comments, whether left, right, right or wrong. Just be nice.