I will always love Facebook. It has a special place in my heart. It was my first true Internet romance. But. I've been cheating on it with my blog. It just gives me more vain attention than Facebook ever could.
Facebook gives me esteem (no matter how false it may be) when that little # of friends reaches 100 & keeps going.(be quiet you. You who have 200, 300 or more, friends. I can hear you mocking my pathetic # compared to yours, but you don't know how lucky I am that real people are actually willing to publicly acknowledge that they know me.) I had no idea I even knew 100 people. But still, I can't pour out my soul on Facebook or rant & rave & scare people off like I have the power to do on M.E.M.O.S.
It's a double edged sword. The blog takes away little pieces of my self-worth whenever I look at those little itty bitty # of comments & think they could be so much bigger. I wish I could get comment implants. Then I would feel really good about myself.
Falsies are a good idea.
Cheating never is. It's morally wrong.
What Facebook has done for me is brought me back to my roots.
From my parents struggle as slaves to their epoch, heroic journey of heartache, struggle & eventually freedom. It's a story of love, hope.........sorry. Wrong story. Portland. My roots were in Portland. But I've lost them. They've been dug up & are withering away in the arid, desert climate of S.E. Idaho. Not that I'm complaining.
What I'm trying to say is, I've found friends from high school, college, church (even former Y.W. leaders) & it's shameful to say, cousins who I haven't spoken to or seen in years. I even started a group on Facebook. I'm cool like that. It has been so great to find these long lost souls.
My weird dreams are way less frequent too. In recent history I was having these recurring dreams where I would be wandering in the halls of my high school looking for my locker (that could have also been related to the amount of skipping I did & at times really couldn't remember where my locker was). Or walking around the halls of the church building that I grew up in.......well, I didn't grow up there because that would be weird. But it's the same building I went to for 18 years. In my last dream, which took place there, I was putting on my makeup in the bathroom across from the chapel & was wondering who all these crazy people were in MY bathroom. It was getting crowded & they were really getting on my nerves. Get out of my bathroom you weirdos!
I think I needed closure & a bigger bathroom. I just kind of left the old neighborhood one day & never came back. I know, that's a little dramatic (that's totally not like me). What happened was, I went off to college & came home for breaks. After a while I got married & simply lost touch with so many people -most everyone from the good ole' days.
Until now.
The modern miracle we know as Facebook has brought my roots back to life. They're getting watered again. It doesn't rain much in Idaho. But it's pouring buckets of old friends on Facebook.
So, I made a short story long to tell you that I recently got to see an old friend of mine. You know her as the littlest hillbilly over at, something or other about Poison. I know her by her real name, but I'll never tell you. HA!
We were in the same ward as youth, her Dad was my bishop, & then she went off to Ricks College. A year later I followed her & we were roomies. I saw her a time or two after she moved on & then I followed suit. Eventually we lost touch. But Facebook, darling Facebook, brought us back together again. Little did we know that she has relatives, whom she visits yearly, in my neck of the woods. I've lived here for 8 years & never even ran into her once at Walmart.
I thought my town was smaller than that.
She was here, visiting, last week & we were able to get together. It's been like 11 years since we've seen each other, I think I was preggers (tamn, I know) with Lundles. I got to meet her hubby & girlies & hear about her family.......but mostly talk about me. It was so exciting.
Then I took her to court...........to go trick or treating, because that's the 'it' place to go. What? Don't you? (losers) Oh yeah, it was Halloween day, at least I got a picture of myself & my friend. You didn't want to see any pics of my kids anyway because they were so freakin cute that they would've burned your eyeballs with their cuteness & then you would be blind. It's better this way.
I've been in touch with several more old friends through Facebook & this blog. They haven't been crazy enough to actually agree to see me in person, something about a legal protection order? But eventually we will all get together. I promise.
No, wait! Don't be scared.
13 years ago
i think i have like 15 friends on facebook.
man, now i feel like a loser. =(
Don't worry Rychelle, I only have 7.
I don't really like facebook, it's so messy and confusing. I like the familiar scrapbookness of blogs.
I'm with my blog friends up there. I'm not a Facebook fan. I have no idea how many friends I have, and most of them are people I've never met!!
I much prefer blogging.
You girls are raining on my parade!
It's just been so fun to get in touch with old friends again.
Will you 3 be my friends?
Kristina - I'm going to tell you what I tell my beehives: Never accept a friend invitation from someone you don't know. It's too dangerous!
P.S. My blog is my dirty little secret, it is a lot more fun.
Facebook Rocks, Em. You know it and I know it. And thanks for starting the group you did. I guess that means that YOU rock. :) I am glad the picture didn't show my snaggle tooth and bald spot. Good.
P.S. I loved hearing all about you and meeting the kids and watching Lundles "die" on the courthouse lawn. I can't wait to come back and really get a good visit in. There are so many more things to chat about. Like around 14 years worth of chatting!
I love that you went to court on Halloween!! Good to hear from you...and I can't believe how big your kids are. Does London still wear the hair piece I gave her?:) I love that girl!!
Remember how I said I was too old for Facebook and you said you liked reading blogs, but would never start one?????
Caleb thinks Facebook is kinda lame..but then everyone he's ever known still lives within driving distance.
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