Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursday, the end myspace graphic comments
Friends Graphic Comments

Thank you to everyone for the kind words of support you gave me after my last post. You really don't suck! There are a lot of nice people out there, who I actually don't know, but who gave me a fake bloggy shoulder to cry on & now I'm a little freaked out. That's okay, because I really am feeling so much better about life. Time does heal all wounds - including the ones I make. It's true.

And really, good things can come out of it too. So, I wanted to copy Kristina P. & do a Thankful Thursday post today - especially since the day will be over in about 2 hours. What? Are you calling me a procrastinator? I'm totally not & someday I'll get back to telling you more about how I'm not.

Today, I am thankful for the opportunity I had this week to cry so hard (& ugly) for about 3 days that I ran out of pee. It was the best! I'll tell you why.

On Sunday, I woke up with a red, painful, ugly sty in my eyelid. An eye sty. I haven't had one of those since middle school when I experienced some of the joys of sharing cheap make up with many girls. The sty hurt. It was really red. Did I mention it was ugly? Anyway, in the midst of my blubbering & self-loathing I did still have the presence of mind to worry about the effect all of those salty tears would have on my eye sty. I mean nobody gets that depressed. I was certain that it was going to get plugged up even worse & would get an even uglier infection which would involve green puss & an eye patch.

I'm so thankful I was wrong. I think the salty tears washed the infection away & by Tuesday night my eye sty was gone. Thank you dear salty tears for the gift of healing powers you bestowed upon my eye.

I am also thankful that the hard crying made me so sick to my stomach that I couldn't eat for 2 days. I'm pretty sure my abs have some definition now. It's great to cry so hard that not only do you lose your appetite, but you feel like puking & don't even want to think about food. So crying got me back in my jeans - that is until I ate for like 4 people today. I was hungry! But I am truly grateful for the way my jeans weren't so freaking tight on me yesterday.

I'm also thankful that I got a sinus infection so that I had a "real" excuse to stay in bed, all day, for 2 days. Since my son broke my nose 5 years ago when he was 2, the sinus passages on the right side of my face don't drain or work or whatever it is that they do, properly, & I get a sinus infection at the first hint of a runny nose. It's happened at least once a year since then. So, since my nose was actually a faucet running at full speed this week means I got a lot of alone time in bed & at the computer & a big pile of used tissues on the floor. I hope someone is going to clean it up soon because it's starting to gross me out.

Which leads me to my sweet Manly & how grateful I am for him. He had pity on me, which translated into extra help around here (not to imply that he's not helpful, he is - but I got even more!). He felt so bad for me, which seriously never happens even though I try to get him to feel that way all the time, that he actually volunteered to get the kids ready for & put to bed. Without me. For 2 nights in a row. I'm starting to feel like an evil genius.

But the thing which I am most grateful for, as a result of my blubbering like a baby (not even a cute one) for the last 3 days, is that I got my goal of at least 10 comments on my last post. Someone Else pointed that out & put a whole new perspective on this for me. That made it totally worth it!


*MARY* said...

I'm thankful you're feeling better. Eye stys, while fun to say, are a pain to wear.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said...

Em, I think you are absolutely hilarious. I love reading your posts and I read them...every one. Glad you are feeling better. Not glad you have a sinus infection or got a sty or got dehydrated. But I am definitely happy you are feeling better.

Kristina P. said...

Man, I haven't had a sty in years!

I am grateful that I'm not the one who has the sty.

And I am thankful for pickle juice. Enough said.

Strawberry Shortcake said...

I saw your blog on Kristina's blog and thought I would stop by. This post was hilarious! Great way to keep things positive when they truly stink :) Hello!

Terésa said...

I'm thinking you should market this diet, The "Cry your head off for three days" Diet. Take it to the bank.

rychelle said...

i have that "thanks for not sucking as a friend" poster hanging on my desk at work!
it was one of the best presents i ever received from a friend.

glad you're feeling better!

Erin said...

Glad you are on the up'n'up. Stop by for a visit sometime.

Emilee said...

Rychelle - you mean these things exist in the real world too?

Lorie said...

I am glad you are feeling better!

Wendyburd1 said...