I woke up this morning blogging in my head. It was going to be a killer post, I think it's one that would have won at least 10 comments, which is my goal for the month. If I could get at least 10 comments to a single post, that would make all my wildest dreams come true, either that or if I vote for Pedro. I know. I'm shooting high. Dream on you say. Is that a challenge? I think it is. I'm so going to do it.....
I don't remember how it ended. I don't think it did. I got distracted by trying to get myself & my children ready for church, while fasting on an empty stomach. I don't think straight under those circumstances. My brain is all over the place right now, but I've got a lot of good things to say (I just know it), things that you want to know. Maybe some things you could answer. So, I'm going to share, at random, my thoughts, which are more like questions that I can't answer.
Why didn't I take any pictures of my kids on Halloween? I remembered the camera this time, I just didn't think to use it. I'm totally kicking myself right now.
Now the rest of the cyber world will never get to see Lundles as a scary secretary (wearing my clothes!), or Epee as the smiliest grim reaper ever, or Hoodee as a terrified ninja, or Sidysue as.......as......I don't know what because I forgot to take pictures, so how am I supposed to remember?
Actually, I don't know what she was because she changed her clothes so many times during the day that I lost track. I remember she started out as Sleeping Beauty, then she was a pink poodle for a while, that turned into Snow White, but the one that stuck, which means the outfit she had on when it was time to leave, was some funky combination of whatever dress-ups she found in her box.
Why does my chest hurt & I feel like I can't breath when I think about election day, Tuesday, November 4th? I think I'm going to puke.
Why didn't I have a good hair day today? Why does my hair turn out okay on some days & others it just looks like poo? What makes the difference if I'm spending the same amount of time & product on it? FYI, 2 mins is a sufficient amount of time to spend on my hair. Have you noticed how it keeps growing shorter?
I'm so glad we didn't buy costumes this year. I would've totally been like the evil stage mother making the kids, & by kids I mean Sidysue, look how I wanted them/her to look.
Telling the kids to come up with their own costumes was the smartest thing Manly has said since he told me I was perfect.
Why is it such a big deal to me that someone I'm closely related to is voting for someone who I think is the devil.... for President of the USA? I know it shouldn't matter, after all that's one of the many things I love about this country - the freedom to vote, but it's killing me. Maybe I should be in charge of voting this year. I would feel a lot better about that.
I wonder if Manly knows about my secret crush on Rush Limbaugh (don't worry, he won't find out this way. He would have to actually read my blog. Like that would happen.) I can't get enough of that guy (Rush)- he's awesome. *Swoon. I totally cried when I found out about his addiction to pain killers, 5 years ago. I felt like my world had been turned upside down. It took me days before I could even talk about it without breaking into the ugly cry. That could have also been due to the fact that I was pregnant with twins.
Welcome November. I love the beginning of each month. It's always full of hope & anticipation & we have $...... at the beginning, unlike the middle & end. I really am happy to welcome in November, especially if it keeps on being 68-70 degrees like yesterday (remember, I'm in Idaho - brrrrr). I'll take it. Yesterday was awesome, even Friday night was pretty good for trick or treating. Today is rainy, windy & cold so I'm just going to keep pretending it's yesterday.
Why does the government stick its nose in places where it doesn't belong? Like time management. Daylight savings is stupid. I'm glad we're off it now because it's stupid. But then why am I so tired today even though I got an extra hour of sleep? Or did I get an extra hour? It's a conspiracy.
Why don't people I'm related to leave me comments? Don't they understand how my self esteem is wrapped up in that little # at the bottom of each post? It gives me my self worth. PLEASE!.......I mean, why?
I'm curious if people are even still reading this. Maybe they'll leave me a comment to 1)let me know, 2)build-up my self-esteem &/or 3)both.
It's kind of freaking me out that my 4 year old, Hoodee, just asked me if he can have some candy for his evil baby. Duh. No. Candy is only for good, righteous babies.
This Halloween was the best one ever. Taking the kids to a neighborhood they don't know & setting them loose while Manly & I sat in my sis-in-laws warm house eating homemade chili & drinking hot cocoa while the kids worked for our dessert. What could be better than that?
I don't believe in child labor laws.
I'm finished. If you have any answers, ideas or just want me to feel good about myself......you know what to do.
13 years ago
No pictures? That sucks!
I can't believe Tuesday is election day already. I'm super happy that it's finally over.
I have bad hair days a lot too. In fact, I will be posting a picture of one soon.
(#3 comment)
Rush Limbaugh, huh? I don't know if we can remain friends. ;)
It's cold today.
Only one person who is related to me leaves me comments. And only a couple of friends. What's up with that?
I finally had a Halloween part to go to this year. I forgot how fun it is to dress up.
OK, I think my work here is done.
You should be able to get two more! Yay!
Emilee, you make me laugh. You know maybe you should start black mailing your family on your blog. That's what Heather did to me. She would write awful, ugly, untruthful things about me (ie. things like I farted on her all night at our scrapbook sleep over) you know way untrue stuff like that. :) I finally had to start a blog just to defend myself. I am now black mailing members of Ken's family with threats of posting unbecoming pictures of them. I don't think it will be long before they start blogging also! It's a great way to get comments on your blog.
I just wanted to give you your #10!!
What's the prize for #11? I always laugh at your randomness (is that a word?) Thanks for the laughs.
Okay, so I'm a friend of a friend and you don't know me but I have been reading your blogs for about a month now. I love them!! You always make me laugh. I only wish I could be as funny and clever as you. I love to read the comments on people's blogs. Sometimes they are funnier than the blog itself. I just don't normally leave a comment because I like to hide in the shadows, and if I leave a comment I get really scared that I will say something stupid, and then I could never show my face in the blogging world again. It's complicated. I can't promise that I will coment but I can promise that I will continue to read your blogs. : )
Em, I am proud of you for reaching your goal! You are not alone with the 'no pictures of your kids' mishap, I too failed as a mother. Although where lies the greater sin? Simply forgetting my camera? (I am only human) Or taking the camera, and REFUSING to take pictures of your adorable kids?? Well, looks like you have some serious problems, and you call yourself a mother! (tsk, tsk)
Well, hope I boosted your self esteem with my comment for the day! :)
Clearly you don't even need me on this one, thanks to Kristina's diligence.
i want to start a petition about daylight savings.
i assume i will have your support?!?
You really are perfect.
Kristina - you've taken me to a whole new level. I'm not a double digit virgin anymore. I'll always remember you for that.
Nancy - Blackmail....hmmm. Now there's an idea. BTW, I know a good lawyer if you ever need one.
Daya - You'll always be my 1st #10. I hope there will be many more to come!
keri - Being #11 is the prize in & of itself. You won!
Someone else - welcome! I'm so glad you left one. You made my day. And you are way clever. Stop hiding your cleverness from the rest of the blog universe.
Erin - You always know how to make me feel better.
Kiersten - I always need you.
Rychelle - sign me up. I will join whatever petition you start.
Mary - You're so right!
Child labor laws? What are those?
We believe that our kids should work around here. That's why we had so darn many of them.
I forgot to take pictures of the kids on Hallloween too, so yesterday after church I made all of the boys get back into their matching costumes and stand in front of the house so I could take their picture.
The Third ward was just letting out so there was a ton of traffic going by our house honking and waving while we were taking pictures.It was just so cute how my boys were all acting so annoyed and pretending to try to hide behind the bushes.
I hate Daylight Savings. Yesterday was the longest day without my husband ever.
And your family pic is perfect. I don't know many families who wander around in parks in coordinating colors and just casually end up with such a good photo.
Lovely to meet you too, BTW.
I'm your 20th comment!! You totally doubled your goal of 10! ;) So,...I've been thinking,...I will be here all week and I am interested in enrolling in your "Leaning to Write Totally Amazing Blog Posts" class. Seriously. ;) --I so shouldn't have posted that last blog to get anyone worried. I think I will actually edit it. But having said that,..you are probably someone I should talk to about me overwhelmed feelings. Maybe Ill give you a call. Or Maybe Ill just run into you again. My mom said, "You need to talk to Emily". I'm probably saying to much for a little comment entry. Anyways, things are great,...no need to worry. :)
Emilee - I want you to know that I read your whole post, all the way to the end. I enjoyed all of your random thoughts. I agree with almost all of them. I'm sure that's why we have always been such good friends. I miss you being my VT. . . but you can still come and visit me. By the way, we really do need to talk. If I don't see you at the gym tomorrow - give me a call. I don't have your phone number anymore - and I can't remember your other last name!
Well it looks like you got more than ten comments! I love how you just post the random thoughts you have. I'll have to try your kind of Halloween (I don't think it would be right to send Kaydence out to work alone for her candy when she can't walk yet though!)
Today is election day and I'm voting first thing today (well after I leave a comment on your blog). I'm pretty sure I know what the outcome of this election will be but I'm grateful that I get to vote regardless. ....oh and I did read your whole post too!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You guys did it. You're the best group of bloggers in the whole wide blogging world....& not just 'cause you got me in the double digits. Okay, really, it is 'cause you got me there. But you guys are the best!
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