I am Thankful it's Thursday. Thursday is my favorite day of the week. I love the anticipation of the upcoming weekend, which means no homework or activities to run children to. Friday would probably be my favorite day of the week because that's the day when there is actually no homework, the bedtime routine is a lot more relaxed & it's date night, but Friday ends so quickly. It's usually over right after it starts. That bugs me. So Thursday is my day, it lasts longer than Friday & The Office is on.
Oh, The Office. I'm thankful for it too, as I've mentioned before, that show makes me laugh- that's the only show I watch these days. Around here t.v. has mostly become a thing of the past. I admire people like my husband & sister & bil who actually stop watching shows like T.O. because they get kind of crude at times.
I'm just not ready to take that step yet, "...and the only way that I would ever let go of my *show* would be if you came over here right now and tried to pry it from my dead, lifeless fingers, okay? If you can get it from my kung-fu grip then you can come and have it!" (movie?) Until then I'm not giving it up. I so look forward to Micheal & Dwight, Jim & Pam & all the others with their crazy antics each week. That show almost makes me want to go out & get a job in a totally dysfunctional work environment.
Speaking of crude, I'm thankful that when I was in Barnes & Noble yesterday with my two little munchkins waiting for our lunch, we didn't have to sit there & look at a rack of dirty magazines (like you do in the grocery store when you're waiting in line). We only had to look at the dirty man sitting near us looking at his dirty magazine. BTW, why was he so jittery? Hmmm.
Also, Christmas is only 14 days from today, 2 weeks people, & I don't have any shopping done yet. I'm so thankful for that because I'm not worrying about where to hide the presents in our small house & wondering if the kids have found them yet (in our house, it's only a matter of time). It's so refreshing to be winging it. In years past I always made the goal to have my shopping mostly done by Thanksgiving. Why did I do that to myself? That was dumb. I'm grateful that there are only 12 shopping days left & I have the whole 9 yards to go. Woo Hoo!
Another thing I'm grateful for is a cute, gentle, sweet tempered, big dog. Big enough that other animals & small humans should be scared of him. He is the most laid back, patient creature I've ever known. Even when there's a mouse that runs across my bedroom floor & under my bed, he doesn't mind because that's just how he is. He doesn't let anything bother him. He only barks when he wants to come in & he never complains. I wish I could be more like that. Do you think I've been able to kneel down to say my prayers since that happened the other night? All kneeling & praying is done on TOP of the bed now. I'm trying to be more like Rocket, the dog. I think if I could let some of these things go then I wouldn't have so many weird dreams like the one last night about kung-fu cats. Weird.
Really though, I am thankful for getting pulled over twice last week because I have seriously slowed down (figuratively as well). My driving has been so good that my 11 year old daughter has started telling me that I can get pulled over for going TOO SLOW! Good. Then, I'm doing something right.
Finally, I am thankful for a hubby who doesn't read my blog.
It's not just mine, it's everyone's. The whole blogging world is foreign to him. But, this way I have the freedom to say whatever I want, like how much I love him, how handsome he is to me, how proud I am of him, what a good example he is to me & other gushy, somewhat disgusting things like that. Also I don't have the pressure to do a big blowout birthday post when it's the week of his birthday, like this week. So, I'm not going to worry about writing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANLY, I LOVE YOU! or posting about the things I would have gotten him, like a cool gun & awesome hunting gear, if he wasn't such a cheapskate. Just shirts, ties & books for you my dear (okay that's an exaggeration, it was more like a shirt, a tie & a book). Nope. I don't have to worry about any of that. Thanks hon, you've given me a lot to be thankful for!
That first picture is completely adorable.
And honestly crudness is a requirement in my TV watching. ;)
It's too bad Manuel doesn't watch The Office or you two could come over and play the DVD/board game with us and earn lots of Shrute bucks.
I could overlook your Office obsession (which I share) if only it wasn't so obvious that you also quote freely from Meet the Parents (not that I would know!!!)
your family is just adorable!
i was on a flight once when a guy was reading a dirty magazine. the stewardess had to tell him to put it away. ewwwww.
I am so with you girl- I LOVE The Office. I don't watch a lot of tv but I don't miss that show.
You are very lucky your husband doesn't read your blog. Mine swore he wouldn't but he does. I don't really mind but I never know what to say or not say. I'm a total oversharer and he's a totally private type. He wonders why I don't mention him in much detail on my blog but then cringes when I say "oh, I could blog about this!" No, he says. Please don't.
So just enjoy your little space to say whatever, whenever.
Your man is HUGE!!! What a great post, you are such a sweetheart.
Oh and I am a huge fan of The Office too!
Great attitude. Maybe you should get a cat though.
I am so glad you have not done your shopping! Neither have I and the fact that Jenny finished hers before Thanksgiving was making me feel a bit guilty.:-)
I also loved your comments about Thursday. I love Thursday as well because I usually play a game in seminary on Friday which means Thursday is the only day of the week I am not preparing a lesson! Whoo hoo!
I loved your post. I agree, Thursdays are the best. And, I too could not give up The Office unless the Prophet told me to do so. Please tell me he is not going to say that??!?!?! Good luck with the mouse too. Ick! You have a beautiful family :)
I am thankful for you Emilee! Hey, I see Lori making all sorts of comments on your blog. Are you trying to steal my BFF? Just kiding! I am so glad you guys can support each others blogging habits! :-) Did you get any shopping done today?
What? Only 9 again?? What is going on with your loyal readers?
I have been meaning to tell you that we got your Christmas card and it is so cute. Thanks for thinking of us. If we don't see you before Christmas I hope that you guys have a great one.
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