When I got out, this is what I found, & when I say found I mean I had to follow a trail of white hairs around the house to her hiding place:
I don't think she was very pleased with her look.... What? Not the look you were going for, my little angel? I don't know, I kind of like it. The early'80's mullet is coming back...... if you're living in the woods in the deep south & married to your cousin. It's a good look.
Or maybe she was just worried about whether Santa was actually going to come to her house this year. This incident may have been the one that tipped the scales in favor of the naughty list.
Okay, my little pixie. You win. How can Santa resist that sweet face? You made it back on the nice list by letting Aunty fix it..... but don't do it again!
Alas, my heaven sent hair-cutting family.....
Okay, my little pixie. You win. How can Santa resist that sweet face? You made it back on the nice list by letting Aunty fix it..... but don't do it again!
A year later.
Honey, I've got some advice for you, this look is working way better than the mullet. Keep it. Also, if you ever do it again, you will realize the reality of the naughty list.
the look on her face in the pic where she's getting her "real" haricut is priceless.
I actually said "Ohhh." out loud when I saw the first picture. She's so beautiful!
Oh wow! She is beautiful! Thus far, I have only had 1 child do this.
{{knocks on wood}}
She has grown so much just since the last time I saw you. She sure is a doll!
Short hair is a good thing, Em. The mullet? Not so good, but the cute haircut after? That was good. But then again...I am biased.
My nice did the exact thing, and we did the pixy thing too. Thank goodness for the good old pixy look!!
Emily :
Thanks for your comment on my blog. That was so sweet. And I loved your pictures! How funny. I think all my girls (four of them) cut their own hair at least once and at least one of their sisters. It seems to be one of the "must do's" of childhood.
How precious! Thanks for sharing :)
Your blog is really interesting... Good Luck... You are welcomed to my blog…….
Wishing you in advance "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''
I love this post! Her pixie cut was adorable, but she looks even more beautiful this year! What a great story to tell,..and bribe her with eventually....
That pixie cut is adorable though!LOL
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