Netflix rocks. I love having it delivered right to my mailbox, it's made getting the mail fun again - even if I do have to pay for it. I like saving the time and gas $ spent going to the video store (actually, that doesn't really matter to me, but I feel like I'm in a commercial when I say it). The store where I have to look at all the disgusting, sinister, creepy movie covers and tell my kids to close their eyes and then lead them around like a guide dog. I don't enjoy the video store like I used to. Sorry, tangent, not what this post is about.
'The name is Bond, James Bond.'
My husband is a fan. Ever since he was a kid he wanted to be Bond. Complete with his gadgets, guns and fast cars. The women, not so much. He could have cared less, and thankfully he's still that way. Manly has always had a 1 track mind - guns & gadgets (or is that 2 tracks? since they both start with g's, I'll say 1). When he was a kid, he was the one staying dressed up in his suit after church. His Mom, would oogle over him being so handsome and good to want to stay in his church clothes all day. The truth was, he would get home from church and switch tracks in his mind, from church boy to CIA agent, licence to kill. He was Bond for the rest of the day. If his mother only knew......she would've laughed.
Since I spent this summer watching all 6 seasons of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (remember Sully? I know, huh.), it's been Manly's turn to pick our Netflix. I'll admit our Friday night fun nights have been pretty....well, fun. I'm not so much a Bond fan, but I love watching them with him. It cracks me up to hear him laugh at parts where no one else is laughing, and to ooh & aah over the guns, & the corny one-liners which always win over the ladies are fun for all. He becomes 12 years old again and I get a glimpse into his childhood. I wish I could have known him as a kid, from what I hear he was a character, actually many different characters. So I came up with a list of reasons why he's way better than Bond.
Ten Reasons why Manly is better than Bond:
1. He doesn't kill people. I admire that.
2. Forget exotic supermodels with fabulous accents and voluptuous figures, he's got me. What more could he want? (It always comes back to me, I know.)
3. He's not wasteful. Have you noticed how many tuxedos, dress shirts & women J.B. goes through? Between the blood, wine & lipstick, he can't keep a shirt clean. What does he do with all those clothes & women? Probably throws them away. Manly's totally not like that. He still has shirts from the late '80's, and a wife from the mid-90's. He's way frugal.
4. The only thing he likes shaken not stirred is his root beer float, and if he's feeling really crazy, he takes his root beer on the rocks.
5. The only things he hunts are deer, elk & misplaced car keys. Not crazy villains who weep blood, have metal teeth, eye patches & names like Specter.
6. His fancy car is an '02 Chevy Malibu. You can close your mouth now. Trust me, it is fancy compared to the other vehicle we have, & he doesn't wreck it every 5 minutes. I really appreciate that.
7. The biggest risk he takes is riding his bike to work, without a helmet, on a windy day.
8. He's a family man (at least he knows how many children he's fathered....... 4, just in case you weren't clear on that).
9. His coolest gadget is, & I quote, "Probably my brain.", Need I say more?
10. He's not a jet-setting, secretive CIA agent. He's home with us. Sure, the CIA wanted him - after he brushed up on his current events (seriously, that's true). HA! Fools. Their loss is my gain.
13 years ago