Monday, August 25, 2008

The End


Yes, I am talking about 'Breaking Dawn' by, Stephenie Meyer. So if you haven't finished it or even started it yet then don't read any further. I am going into detail and I want to let it all out! So consider yourself warned. But, when you do finish please come back and leave your opinion about it - I need to talk. Manuel's a good listener, but judging from the eye-rolling and snickers, I don't think he really takes this very seriously.

So, okay, I finished the book last night and wondered what happened. I mean are any of you as let down as I am? And I want honesty here, if you really loved it then say so - you don't have to agree with me to leave a message- in fact I would especially love to hear from you. But, I have one word to sum this book up for me....BUMMER! I feel jipped, I feel disgruntled, I feel cheated.

Why? Well, don't get me wrong I am a happy ending kind of a girl - I'm all about chick-flicks (or books in this case) and gooey romances where the stories are all tied up at the end with a nice, pretty pink bow. This book ended exactly how I hoped it would. My problem was the rest of the story. The beginning was fun, the end was satisfying, the 650 pages in between were disappointing to say the least. It was mostly filler - no real substance. If I offend any Jacob fans out there, I'm sorry, but I don't really care about his perspective. I would have much rather heard it from Edward - what torment and pain was he going through that only he could describe - I mean, isn't this more about him & Bella than Jacob & Bella? Edward totally got put on the back burner in this book not only when the story was told from Jacob's perspective, but also and especially when Bella turned into a Vampire. It seemed to me that once Bella became all super strong then there was no more need for our lovely Edward. He wasn't the hero anymore. Also, there wasn't much of a relationship between Edward and Renesmee, I guess I just assumed that he would make the best ever dad, especially to a daughter, because of what a perfect and protective and thoughtful boyfriend & husband he was. But we hardly saw any interaction between the two of them.

Where was the conflict? Everything kept getting resolved too easily, all of a sudden there were answers to problems that they couldn't get figured out in the first 3 books. Like with Charlie being all cool with everything. And what happened to Renee, wouldn't she have at least tried to be there with her daughter if she was on her "death bed"? It wasn't until the last 100 or so pages (out of an almost 800 page book) that there was really any major problem and that didn't last long. Remember the baseball scene, or the ballet studio scene from Twilight? The fast action, the intensity, the goose-bumps - it was awesome. Remember how your heart was pounding and you knew that if you had to put that book down at that moment you wouldn't be able to survive the anticipation? (I came so close to skipping a Tues. night mutual that I was in charge of the day I was reading that part.) You just had to find out what was going to happen! Where was that in this book? Bella's whole transformation went way too easy. At first I liked how it was easier for her than most - I get it, it was a special gift, but after 3 months she was back to her same old self except not even as sassy and as spicy as before. I would have also loved to have heard more from & about Esme and Alice - where were they? I felt like Stephanie was just writing it to get it finished. I didn't feel the same love and excitement in this book that I did in the other 3.

I guess I just had such high hopes for this book and they didn't come true. Please help me with this, I'm in mourning. I hope it went better for you - let me know, maybe you can give me a new perspective to look at, and yes, I do know this isn't real life, but still........


Katie said...

Although I agree with a few of your points, I loved the book and would not have wanted it to end any other way. I did miss some of the "I-cant-be-without-you-love" between Edward and Bella. I also dont care about Jacob's perspective. Conflicts were resolved easily- but it was time to wrap it up. I still loved the book as much as the others and have been bummed about some of the mixed/bad reviews I have read. Cant wait to read it again.

Emilee said...

You're right, it was time to wrap it up. I'm over it now. There have actually been some really funny paradies of BD online. There's a great one at a blog called Normal Mormon Husband (I have a link to it on my blog.)

Daya said...

I agree with you Emilee. It's like there was aton of build up and then poo-poo. I really liked the book but what's with all the Jacob. WHO CARES!!! I was really bothered by Bella and her obsession with Jacob. I just kept thinking, "You have an amazing and HOT guy totally in love with you and you can't get over Jake? What's wrong with you??" I felt a lot better about things when I read Stephanie's thoughts on her website. She answers all the frequently asked questions. Doesn't make everything better but it does help a little.

Emilee said...

Daya, you are so cute! I'm so glad to see you here. Sara won't even send me her blog - what a loser (jk, I still love my sis.). I couldn't agree with you more about the whole Jacob vs Edward thing. How does J even compare to E?! I'm glad you told me about S.M.'s thoughts on her website, I'm going to have to check it out. See ya

David and Sara Conklin (+ fam) said...

What do you mean..."my sis won't send you her blog"??? I was trying, but couldn't remember the password...hmpf!!! :) Anyway, back to the important stuff, I finally finished all the books a couple of days ago and here's what I thought. I was totally happy with the ending, I crave happy endings where no-one dies. I do think the whole Volturi thing was built up and then there was no action at all, that would have been good to have some action at the end. I also admit that the Jacob part was the MOST boring and hard to get through of the whole book. But, my theory on why she did that is so that we could understand that the reason he was so pulled to Bella was because he was going to imprint on her daughter (which I think is a whole separate issue)...anyway, maybe I should just call you to talk about it..that's a good idea, because I could keep going! Love ya.