Monday, August 25, 2008

Beauty School

The 1st step to getting ready for a new school year, after buying school supplies...and school clothes.....and paying all the fees and filling out all of the endless registration papers......Okay, the 4th or 5th step to getting ready for school is getting a good haircut. And what better place to go than to the Beauty School. Last Friday, I made the trek up to Rexburg, to The Hair Academy, the Paul Mitchell school, with all four kids in tow, to get freshened up and looking good for school (Two of my sisters in law and their husbands are co-owners in the school).
Epee wasn't too happy, at first, about getting his hair cut. My sisters in law, M. and B., are going to school there right now. (BTW, I love the family I married into - they are simply Awesome!) Aunt M. did the trick, he's smiling, a sure sign she passed.
Aunt B. is very precise in her work. London was so excited to get highlights in her hair, I still can't believe I let her do it (but coming from this family it was only a matter of time).
Her hair turned out really cute! B. always knows how to have fun.
Another student, N., got to do Sydney's hair - nothing too drastic, just a trim, but we love it.
Hoodee was last, he had some fun waiting for his my purse & spinning in empty chairs.
He probably made the funniest faces in "the chair". It really was not as painful as he's making it look. M. is always so patient with everyone - I was so grateful for her.....
Now they are finally all ready for school! Thanks M. and B. (and N. too), you all did a wonderful job on these haircuts. We love you! *For the record, M. and few of the other students were dressed up as hobo's that day because they were having a theme day at school to help raise food for the local food bank.

1 comment:

heidi said...

They all look so great! What a fun day.