Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Out of order

FYI - My latest post is the one titled, Memos. I started it a few days ago, saved it as a draft and then finished & posted it tonight. But, it's down a few posts from here - out of order. I couldn't figure out how to change the posting order or put today's date on it so that it would come up as the newest one. I'm so not computer savvy (It's really pathetic. We grew up with a computer in our home, for heaven's sake, before it was even cool to have one - way, way before the web & modern gadgets of nowadays.)

Also, let me take a moment to publicly thank my great friend H. who has so patiently been answering all of my, "How do I do this?" questions via email. H., You have been a great friend and mentor all my life, well for a few years anyways. From our time together, as adolescents, in Portland, to rooming together in college. You're awesome! Thanks for all of your help, I couldn't have done it without you. Cue - orchestra. Dab at fake tears.

Come on down & check out my latest. Oh. BTW, I'm still trying to figure out how to link to the website. So if any of you know how to do that, feel free to offer your help. I'm happy to take it - free of charge. Thanks

*Quick update (9-19-08). Thanks to my friend Marianna, for teaching me how to use the 'post options' button at the bottom of the page. Now I can keep my posts in order. Thanks M., you're great!


Cal said...

Emilee, I noticed your comment on heather's blog and thought I recognized you. I am Craig Wolfley from the old Brentwood ward back in Portland, Heather is married to mike, my little brother. You may remember Nancy more than us. What a small world. How is your parents, your dad was my (and yours I guess) Bishop for a while and I think about him once in a while. We all have blogs that are linked to heathers if you want to take a look ( or need to remember who we are) good to find you, say HI to brother for me. Craig

Call me Hehaw said...

I posted a new post regarding your comment..... Yes, I am the little brothers wife. You might remember these boys a the Wolfley trouble makers.....especially my husband Mike....he was known as the boy who liked to push the girls off the sunday school least that is what I have be told. Craig was no better.....

Emilee said...

OH MY HECK! Of course I remember you Craig. And Heather that is so funny. Yes, they were both soooo mean, but in a good way :-)! The funny thing is, is that when I saw your family picture with Mike, I totally thought he looked like the Wolfley's from the old Brentwood ward. I just kept thinking, what a small world to have someone named Wolfley, who looked like the Wolfley's I knew be from PDX & now be living in ID. And then your last name, would remind me of my old friend Nancy, who I've lost touch with over the years. Small freakin world. This is blowing my mind! Craig, my parents are good. They actually live in the Ogden area now. I don't have any immediate family left in Portland. Sara & Aaron both live in Utah as well. I will for sure tell everyone Hi from you. And you do the same for me. How are your parents & the rest of your fam? I just checked out Nancy's blog - 7 kids. Wow! Okay, enough for now. More later. See ya

Call me Hehaw said...

YAh no problem...feel free to add me! It is fun... this blog thing huh? Just know that I do have a case of the potty mouth every now and again...(nothing to bad, mainly shock factor)

Call me Hehaw said...

oh and so you know if you write on Nancy's blog....her computer is broken. So it may take a while for a reply...

Melinda said...

I am so dense! DUH! Wolfley's were in seminary with us, Emilee! Nancy was even in our same seminary class!!! Why I didn't make the connection that you guys would know each other, I have no idea. I'm guessing brain damage.

Anyway...a happy reunion for all.

Melinda said...
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