Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And that?

Okay so I just got finished writing that last post about whether Scooby doo has a prophet or not, which I'm sure we could debate on for the next hour, when the same little troublemaker walked in my room and asked: "Mom, what are these for?"Oh No! Not THIS conversation again! I just got finished posting about our last cute, little, frustrating, I-don't-know-how-to-answer-this-kind-of-question ordeal (which I nearly failed). So I said, (naively hoping my answer would be sufficient & we could just put the pads away and forget about it), "Well, those are for mommies to use........not kids." Yeah, right. Like that was an acceptable answer or something. If I really thought the conversation was going to end there then it's time for me to get a reality check. When does the conversation ever end there? That would be way too easy. Of course Hoodee wasn't alone, and this time SidySue got interested in what was going on, I think the bright pink, shiny package got her attention. She asked, "Do mommies use it like this?"

"No, it's not really an eye patch. I wish it was though." She persisted, "Then what do mommies use it for?" At this point I'm smart enough not to bring up any words like blood, gross, psychotic or curse because anything that sounds gruesome or scary (which we all know it is) is really cool, and this line of questioning would never end. So with my fingers crossed behind my back I tell them, "Mommies just use them in their panties sometimes." Sidy thought about that for a minute, had to try the idea out and asked, "Oh, like this?"
"Yes! Like that because mommies like to play dress up sometimes too." To which I heard a giggle and, "silly mommy", as they both walked happily out of the room. Woo Hoo, it worked. (of course then I was immediately regretting that I didn't have the camera out to capture it, so I made them come back in to re-create the moment & share it with you.)

And to those of you who are questioning my parenting skills and thinking what a bad mom I am because I didn't take the time to explain "feminine mysteries" to them in a way they can understand, you're right - I probably am. The less they know the better. If you heard our conversation this morning about beer and alcohol, you would totally understand what I'm talking about, they are only 4 for crying out loud. They'll figure it out soon enough and then I'll be the one giggling.


The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said...

This was funny! I have talked about the pads many times as well, Em. And #1, who is also 4, is obsessed with wine. We are always talking about it. "Mom, sometimes there is good wine." or "Mom, are those wine bottles? Can we get some?" Or "This cake I made has alcohol, wine, soap and poison in it. Sometimes a little poison is ok." Wow. What do you say to that?

Sarah said...

This post brought back memories of Carter outside my bathroom door saying, "Can I have a treat too?"
I told him I wasn't having a treat. "Yes, you are Mom! I can hear the wrappers!"
I wouldn't have bothered with a biology lesson either. Everyone knows they're Dr. Scholl's shoe inserts...

Katie said...

Oh that is so funny. My kids call them "Moms bandaids"

Emilee said...

Heather, she sounds just like my kids - inherently evil (jk - she is a total doll!) That is too funny, where do they pick up these things?
Sarah and Katie, I love that....Dr Scholl's inserts and mom's bandaids, I'll be using those next time this conversation comes up! Thanks

Jaeme said...

Your kids are too funny. I was laughing quite hard sitting here at my desk at work reading about your latest adventure in parenting. LOVE your blog! You need to teach me how to set one up! And thanks for settling the Scooby Doo question - it's been keeping me up nights.

The Turnarounds said...

Emilee I am so glad to know that you too have a blog! I was wondering how the Murdoch family has been. ...Next time Paige has a tricky question, wer'e calling you. :)

Daya said...

My 4 year old came out with a panty liner wrapped around her foot one day. I asked her what she was doing and she looked at her foot and said,"I stepped on my toy and hurt my foot, but don't worry mom, I got one of your bandaids. I'll be fine." Every mom's dream come true. Walking along with your 4 year old at the store with a panty liner around her foot. Trust me it would have been a much bigger issue if I had tried to take it off her foot before going to the store. Luckily it wasn't totally recognizable. Kids. At least their good for a laugh.

Ulrich Family said...

That is hilarious! Austin found them at my house and for some reason I can't remember for the life of me what I told him they were for. But I do remember he stopped asking right after I told him - I don't know how I lucked out with that. That is a hilarious story though. Great job!