Friday, September 26, 2008

2 Things


'Her hair became entangled with the toy car's wheels...'

That is an intriguing first line to a story my 10 year old daughter started writing a few days ago. Lundles, is of the creative sort. She loves to draw, craft, write and just create in general. She also definitely has the personality that goes along with those creative types, you know, moody, angry, distracted. I have no idea where she gets it from, *ahem. The problem is sometimes... okay, most of the time, the rest of the story doesn't get written. I find papers, like the one with that sentence on it, all over the floors, randomly.... constantly. I can't tell you how many stories are in my file on the computer, which she's started, but hasn't finished. Who is she? How did the car get in her hair? Who will pay for that? We'll never know because she decides that she's done with it. She's written enough to satisfy her curiosity. And if I even dare suggest she finish it because inquiring minds want to know, then I receive the smirk & it becomes a big, fat joke on me. She enjoys that.

At least she's writing right? Right now she's working on a story titled, 'Junie P. Jack'. She's the cousin to Junie B. Jones (for those of you with 2nd graders or who like really funny books, you know it). She has a baby brother too, which she calls 'stinky cheese head', because her parents had to sell her bed to buy him a crib. What is my daughter trying to say? What kind of justice is she looking for in this world? Maybe she's heard, 'life's not fair, so eat an apple', a few too many times. As long as both of her ears stay in tact then I won't worry.....too much. And, if I find out what happens with the girl, the car, J.P. Jack or stinky cheese head, I will definitely let you know. But don't hold your breath.


click on this:

Okay, I love my in-laws. I admire them, I look up to them, I highly esteem them (Jane Austen, anyone?). My sister in law, who's a mom and grandma is going to beauty school & she is trying to win a contest. Last night she posted a clip on YouTube and is trying to get as many hits as possible to qualify for the top 3. So please take a minute, even if you don't know me or her, to check out her clip. Next to her mom (my m.i.l.), she's the sweetest, most sincerely goodest (no, you didn't read that wrong, I really did say goodest) person I've known. Manly comes from a family of 10 children. He's on the younger end of the line, so the oldest 5 siblings all have grown children and are grandparents. Two of the older sisters are going to beauty school in Rexburg. Love that! They are so cool.

THING 3: HA! Tricked ya! You thought there were just 2. Just wanted to say, Have a great and safe weekend, unfortunately I'll be thinking about you because I'm a little o.c.d. with this blog thing right now, but I am going to try to take the weekend off. Anyway...

THING 4: HA, HA, again!


*MARY* said...

That's the most creative first line of anything I've every read. Are you sure your daughters only ten?
I checked out the youtube clip, I love her hair, it's kinda like mine only a lot better.

Terésa said...

I love your new layout! Very cute.. My son (who is ten also) sounds just like your daughter. He was giving me ideas for my book, and I was actually writing them down. I’m going to have put him as co-author! I think I’ll put a link for Mare on my blog too I’m so happy for her!

P.S. I miss your M.I.L. too.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said...

I think you ought to finish the story for me. I really can't wait to find out if Lundles will finish the story ever. Maybe she just leaves random sentences around the house because she knows it makes you crazy! I simply must know what happens to the girl with the car wheels in her hair!

P.S. You are hilarious!