Saturday, October 4, 2008

Playing grown up

So I just heard the cutest conversation, it made my heart smile. At least it didn't make me want to throw-up, hyperventilate or bind any of my children to a bolted-down table. The phone rang and my 10, soon to be 11, year old girlie answered it. It was her friend. She was calling to get a recipe. What?! Are you kidding me? Are 10 year olds supposed to care about stuff like that? I didn't start asking for recipes until after I was married, & I still don't like to do it too often because then there's all this pressure to actually make it.

Anyway, friend was asking Lundles for her favorite cookie recipe: Homemade Oreo's. Lundles found the family recipe book (wish I could take credit for that one) that it's printed in, looked it up, and then proceeded to give friend the directions, (all without help from either of her parents. Rude.): "A cake mix, 2 eggs, 1/3 cup oil, cream frosting (leaving out cheese). Mix 1st 3 ingredients together. Roll into balls. Bake at three five zero degrees, approx, whatever that means, 7 mins. Okay, bye." That was it. The call ended as quickly as it started. No chit-chat here. These girlie's mean business.

It made me think, playing grown up isn't all bad. We worry so much about our little girls wanting to dress skimpy, because so many of the other little girls their age, most of the teenagers & their moms do. It's the norm. It is the norm & it makes me want to bandage my eyes. We have side-aches over them wanting to wear make-up, & fake tattoo's because they look so real, and we have headaches because they want to start listening to way-too-old-&-inappropriate music. But this?! This is a growing-up-too-fast that I can live with. This is wholesome. This is good old fashioned fun. This is any age appropriate. She was playing grown-up in a totally sweet, innocent, and tasty way.

Now I'm off to find her. I want some cookies too.


*MARY* said...

Wow, I wish my kids would hurry and grow up... I'm hungry.

Katie said...

Oh that is cute! Tommy is only 5 and her favorite thing to do is get one of my cookbooks and look through it and then pretend she is cooking.

Kiersten White said...

Well, of course she left the cheese out. Who would put cheese in frosting?? That's absurd.

(Oh, cream cheese frosting, how I love you...)

Cute family, cute blog ; )

rychelle said...

yay for stalkers coming out of the closet (in the non-gay way {not that there's anything wrong with that})
your family is adorable!
can't wait to stalk you all. (in the non-creepy way)

Erin said...

Those sound good, I think that a dear friend should make those and bring them to me...

...still waiting!

Emilee said...

Welcome, welcome Kiersten & Rychelle!

Erin, I think you're the one who needs some fellowshipping blessings right now.