Friday, October 24, 2008


Thanks for your responses. I know there were more of you who wanted to answer but you were too busy eating Oreos.

My answer is that I felt way worse about walking into the gym, to pick up a forgotten blanky (not mine) from the daycare, after I devoured 6 double stuff Oreos. Man, I guess I'm a liar too because I said that I didn't do either one of those things. Okay, okay, I did! I did both of those.

But you're right I don't feel bad about not letting my kids have more because really, if I did, then how would I have had 6? There would've only been like 2 left for me & that's not acceptable. I also admit that I have a problem with Oreo's. I have no self control, that's why they are only allowed in the house on special occasions. Probably next time I should have Manly hide them, instead of me hiding them & then being the only one who can find them. Or not. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I've done that so I won't get hasty.

Have a great day!


rychelle said...

have you ever had the trader joe's version of an oreo? the one they have at chirstmas time?
it's called a candy cane jo jo or something. and it's the best thing i've ever eaten.

Anonymous said...

I am the same way with Oreos I have to say though I am not a double stuff girl.

found you on Mormon Mommy Blogs. I will come an visit again soon.

Emilee said...

Rychelle - a candy cane jo jo? It sounds delicious, just the name is good enough to eat. I'm hungry.

Amanda - Hey! Great to meet you. You're welcome here anytime. I'm sorry about the double stuff. That makes me sad for your taste buds. Although, the regular ones are really good too.

Anonymous said...

Emily you just crack me up!!! I love how you tell everyone to leave you a comment out of service, "thou shalt leave a comment". It's so great! We have a counter on our blog and when twenty people have looked at the blog and not left a comment I'm like "WHAT, why didn't they just say 'cool' or something, I would be satisfied with anything?!?!" I love comments too, they're so fun!

Emilee said...

Nicole - you're so lucky! I look forward to the day when 20 people look at my blog. Congratulations.