You say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too!
2 weeks ago was the twins birthday. They're 5 now. I still can't believe it.
How lucky we are to have gotten these two little rascals sent to us. They are so fun & a total blessing to Manly and I. I can't imagine life without them - not that I've ever tried to do that, *ahem* - as they have kept me on my toes and have added a lot of joy and laughter to the halls of this home.
This is where it all began, about 12 hours before they were born:
Welcome Hoodee & Sidysue!!
Hoodee appeared first. He was healthy & strong & started gaining weight right away. So after the initial couple of days in the hospital for observation he got to go home with Dad & Grandma.
5 minutes later came Sidysue. After her first 24 hours her lungs collapsed & she was life flighted to a bigger hospital where she spent the next couple of weeks. I had some complications too, so, luckily I was transferred to that same hospital & spent about that long there with her. It was our first girls retreat together - we were totally pampered!4 months old on their blessing day. Hoodee wore the same handmade, knitted outfit that Manly wore on his blessing day 32 years before.
At 2 years old, their personalities were shining bright. They are still a couple of turkeys.This year they got to have their first friend birthday party. 1 friend each - it was the smartest thing I've done since teaching the kids to vacuum & do dishes.
Happy birthday Hoodee! Happy birthday SidySue! We love you!
Happy birthday Hoodee! Happy birthday SidySue! We love you!
I remember your "complications" as you put it. I was scared to death to have my baby 3 months later. I am so happy that you are all well now. Can I just marvel for a second at how teeny tiny your tummy was 12 hrs before having them. I am only 17 weeks now and my tummy is the same size yours was at birth. That is so not fair!! Happy birthday to your babies!!
Wow! How lucky to have a double party! Birthday parties are SO much work! :) Happy Birthday Turkeys!
How fun! Twins always seem like a lot of fun. For other people. That's not a signal to the universe or anything.
Happy Birthday cute kids!!
I am still jealous you have twins, call me crazy - but I am!
How can you look so cute being pregnant with twins!!! I'm so glad that everything turned out so well with your pregnancy and the twins. Wow, five already every time I see them they are so much bigger! It seems like they keep your hands full (double parties) but seriously... could they be any cuter?!?!
Your kids are so crazy cute!
Oh, that is so sweet! What darling pictures and what a wonderful blessing. I am sorry it was such a struggle health wise initially, but glad everyone is doing so well now. I remember when I had my last baby. There was a lady in the hospital who had twins and I was sooooo jealous. I thought it would be so nice to have one for each arm. Of course when I went home and was up all night with the one, I didn't feel quite as jealous as I did before. Still I would have loved the blessing. Happy Birthday to your two beautiful kids!
how did you still look so tiny twelve hours before giving birth to twins?!?
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